Frameworks Knitters Museum and Bike ride in Nottingham

Just before the really cold winter I decided to make most of my time exercising outdoors
(much more fun than a gym!)
I decided to take a bike ride to Frameworks Knitters museum to work on building my skills where I have spent part of my summer volunteering. 
These machines are the first invented knitting and knitted lace machines which date back to the 18th century.
I feel privileged to be keeping the technique alive and to develop new ideas and designs, the machines take 8 separate steps to complete one row, using the lace bar also involves transfer stitches between. The machine I have been using is 32 gage which means 32 needles per inch and a half. This proves the difficult job of keeping them perfectly in line, a hairline difference will mean that the the fingers on the lace bar would miss the needles and fall, so I'm always learning and improving on the machine.

River Trent

Nottinghams Tram route

Traditional lace sample book

Frames 4 different pedals

Transferring stitches with the lace bar

My adaptation lace of knitting


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